Travomart’s primary objective is to serve its consumers best. All its services offered to users are flexible. However, consent to the Terms and Conditions for is essential to use the services because this allows us to keep the information and generate it in one place in case of need.
Below you will view their conditions and their sub-sections in detail; please read out them
To utilize the services, you will be asked to enter into an agreement to follow the set rules by us and other firms, for example, airlines, hotels, cruises, etc. This allowance will also allow us to provide you with some details about the deals, discounts, etc., and use your basic information to generate all the necessary information for you in one place.
However, it is always suggested to go through the terms and conditions cautiously before accepting, as with your assent, you will be able to use the services which we offer.
As far as any information or requirement with respect to information about passports, visas, and other essential documents, etc., are concerned, you must directly contact the concerned embassies in order to cross-check. Neither we nor the other suppliers held any responsibility for any inconvenience caused by the improper documents, due to which your traveling access is denied by the higher authority.
Jot down crucial passport/Visa related information:
Travomart will indeed offer some basic health-related information to travel. However, there are some terms and conditions you need to keep in mind; please read out them:
There are specific guidelines provided to travelers that they must keep in mind to avoid any trouble; give a look at the given points:
Providing essential and accurate contact details or basic information about the traveler to confirm the booking is mandatory. In case of finding any false information, your reservation can be canceled straight away. However, there are some other things one has to keep in mind, and those are the following:
An acknowledgment will be provided by us on completing a flight reservation. You must keep this confirmation in order to present when asked by the authority to get aboard.
Cancelation and Amendment.
In case of any complaints with respect to the services, you can reach out to the customer support team, who will guide you in all the possible ways. And if you want to make a complaint while on holiday, you must reach the local operator or an agent to lodge your concerned service-related complaint.